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What is the clinic address?Our address is 3033 Excelsior Blvd., Suite 205, Minneapolis, MN. 55416
Where is the clinic located?We are located in the Lake Calhoun Center next to Bde Maka Ska lake. There is free surface and free valet parking in front and the side of the building
What are your business hours?We are open Monday thru Thursday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We have a front desk receptionist available from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday thru Thursday, who would be happy to answer any questions you may have.
What type of insurances do you accept?We take most insurance plans. Currently we do not take VSP. If you provide us with your insurance information at the time you book your appointment, we will verify your eligibility with us.
What should I bring with me?Please bring a photo ID, insurance card, a list of current medications and any eye glasses you are currently wearing.
How long will my appointment take?It depends on what Dr. Hennen is seeing you for. Most new patient eye exams are 30 minutes. If you need additional testing the exam may take longer.
Do you take walk in patients?No, all appointments need to be scheduled in advance.
Can I bring a friend or family member?Absolutely! Bring whoever you would like with you.
Does Dr. Hennen fit for contacts?She doesn’t, but if you need help finding someplace that does please don’t hesitate to ask, we have some local places that we can refer you to.
What is Dr. Hennen’s background?Dr. Hennen is an American Board of Ophthalmology Certified Eye Physician and Surgeon. Dr. Hennen specializes in comprehensive eye exam, glaucoma management and cataract surgery.
What is Glaucoma?Glaucoma is a condition of increased pressure within the eyeball, causing gradual loss of sight. Dr. Hennen will explain it to you in much more detail during your visit.
Where does Dr. Hennen perform her surgeries?Dr. Hennen performs surgeries at the Edina Specialty Surgery Center in Edina, at the West Health Center in Plymouth and at North Memorial Hospital in Robbinsdale.
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